
Dewey is hosting a 24-hour Readathon on June 28th, 2008, beginning at 9 am Pacific Standard Time.  People can sponsor the readers, giving X dollars for each hour (or hundred pages, or whatever, I’m sure) read.  The proceeds will be going to Reading is Fundamental

I’m contemplating doing this.  The timing is really bad for me, but I really want to do it anyway.  The evening before the read-athon I will be returning from an 8-day work event and my wedding takes place exactly 2 weeks later.  On the other hand, with my wedding coming up two weeks later, this might be my last big chance to read until the plane to Mexico for the honeymoon.  Plus, it could allow me to get some books read and reviews written that can be set to post at various times while I’m gone so that my blog doesn’t just go dark that whole time.   Hmm, when I think of it like that, it might just be a GOOD idea!

More readers and cheerleaders are still needed, so hop on over and sign up, or let me know if you’d be interested in ‘sponsoring’ me. 

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2 Responses to “Read-athon”

  1. dew Says:

    I’m glad you’ll be joining us. 🙂

  2. dew Says:

    Or contemplating, anyway!

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